How To Uninstall Enb Skyrim

Updated ENBSeries 0.440 for TES Skyrim SE without version change. Fixed SpecularPower from complex particle lights used for fire lights too. In the last updates also implemented DisableFakeLights, forgot to mention this, so if you see characters looks darker, you may disable this parameter in enblocal.ini. I'm actually glad you did, as I had been meaning to delete my enb and start over. This post was very helpful. Thank you, jeedge for the link, it worked perfectly.

  1. Enb Series Uninstall
  2. How To Uninstall Enb Skyrim
  3. Uninstall Enb Skyrim
  4. How To Uninstall Enb Skyrim Special Edition

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If you want to increase Skyrim’s performance and boost FPS through the roof, there’s quite a few different things that you can do. It would really help if you knew how to install Skyrim mods but even without this you will be able to achieve some tremendous results by following what you’re about to see here.

Couple of things to note, in terms of what you should never do.

Never use an ENB, especially for Skyrim SE. An ENB will absolutely tank your FPS on a modest machine. On SE they are so badly optimized, I quickly uninstalled mine (won’t name it but the performance loss was terrible).

Stay away from CPU heavy mods like Warzones. I won’t link it because you’re better off without it.

Do not install custom high resolution textures. They will clog up your vRAM and kill your game with stuttering.

Now that you’ve got some basics on what not to do, let’s see what you should do.


How To Uninstall Enb SkyrimSkyrim

Configuration Files Editor – BethINI

BethINI is a phenomenal utility that will edit all kinds of little details in your Skyrim’s config files. It’s portable so there’s no need to install it and it also works with other games as well.

Download and start. In the setup tab point it to your config files. If you’re using a modded version of Skyrim then you need to point it to those files instead.

To test if you pointed well (as a beginner), simply disable intro logos and start the game. If they’re still there – it didn’t work. If they’re gone, you’re good to go. Go back and edit more.

If you’re not sure how to use it, just pick one of its own presets (superior to vanilla ones) and click on recommended tweaks. Click save and exit.

If you want to edit more, put your mouse on top of any setting and a tooltip will show up with detailed explanation of what that setting does.

Generally speaking the outdoors draw distance as well as detailed draw distance is what will net you a lot of extra FPS. Other settings too, but Skyrim is usually badly performing outdoors.

Also, the grass setting is counter intuitive. If you reduce the value it has the opposite effect. So make sure to increase that one (or check after you click on different presets to see how it changed).

Install Performance & Fixes Mods

Now comes the part that will benefit you greatly if you took the time and learned how to mod the game.

First up, we’ve got two fixes mods that might not directly improve performance, but will fix a ton of issues with the game itself and its engine, and they are: Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch & SSE Engine Fixes.

Once you have these, install Skyrim Project Optimization and Paramount FPS Galore for Newrim.

The first one will unrender areas you can’t physically see while indoors, but make sure you load it fairly high in the load order so that other mods can overwrite it where necessary.

The second one will remove procedurally generated objects from the world (small pebles, stones, shrubs etc). as well as many other effects that are not necessarily needed if you’re looking to gain performance.

It will also get rid of underwater stuff so if you’re like me and don’t care about that, no need to keep it rendered (even though you’re not inside water – it’s still rendered).

These two mods combined should definitely boost your FPS by quite a bit.

The next mod is called Simply Optimized Textures for SE. This mod simply optimizes default textures and saves them in correct formats. End result is less vRAM consumption and basically no quality loss (0.01% or so).

This is a must have mod for GPUs with 2 GBs of vRAM.

After that, we have quite a few mods that remove effects such as fog (interior & exterior) as well as radial blur. Some of these are already included in the FPS galore mod but it won’t hurt to overwrite of course.

  • Revamped Exterior Fog (Oldrim but works on SE).
  • Interior Floating Fog Remover.
  • Remove Interior Fog (different from the above one).
  • No More Radial Blur.

Combine all of these with the previous ones and you’re good to go!


LODs are distant objects in the background that get swapped for real ones as you get closer to them. There are two utilities that you should learn how to use if you want to improve this aspect of the game and also gain performance.

If it’s out of your knowledge scope, it’s okay feel free to skip this step. You can always try later if and when you know more. I can tell you from experience that using:

  • SSELODGen & Dyndolod has dramatically improved how my game looks as well as performance at the same time.

The textures are much more optimized compared to vanilla and there’s different presets to choose from of course. You should go with the recommended low values for complete performance boost.

You can find step by step guides on the tool’s pages, as well as additional information here. When you are ready to undertake this, go for it – you won’t regret it.

Once you generate all outputs, it simply installs like any other mod.

What’s Next?

Want to know more about Skyrim SE (Special Edition) & Mods? Check out my other Skyrim SE Guides & Skyrim SE Playlist on Youtube.

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Skyrim,one of the best games ever created, is getting more and more popular due to thefame it gets from ENBs.

ENB, which means Environmental Notice Bulletin is nothing but a mod that pumps in more color and vigor to the already existing game. If you have lately looking for a makeover for your Skyrim game below listed are some of the best ENBs that are worth considering.

1. The Grim and Somber

Thespecialty of this mod is that it allows you to change the color schemes and youcan keep doing it till you are satisfied with the output. There are plenty ofoptions such as Vaermina, Malacath, Jyggalag, Hircine, and Azura, which you canchoose from. Get into a more classic “feel” by using any of the color schemesand The Grim and Somber mod is one of the ENBs that has been widely used bymany Skyrim gamers across the world.

Enb Series Uninstall

Presentedby Tansarville, it is a combination of filmic and antique style. The appearanceis quite appealing. It is not quite surprising that The Grim and Somber modexceeds and supersedes the expectations of the user when compared to PureWaters or Realistic Water mod, can look artificial and not very realistic.

2. K ENB Pure Light

Withlots of colors and light patterns brightening up the game, this is one to gofor sure. However, there is one major thing that you have to think about. The performanceof the game will be impacted as this ENB preset consumes a lot of memory space.If you have excellent hardware that supports resource intensive presets likethese, then go ahead with this mod as it is very likely to impress you.

How To Uninstall Enb Skyrim

High-endgamers’ ultimate choice would be this mod, and it is a hit already among thegame users. Similar to JK Skyrim, which has an overhaul in many major cities, KENB Pure Light is also probably not compatible for many computers. While K ENBplays with colors, JK Skyrim mod gives a complete makeover for the existingcities, providing a lively atmosphere.

3. Tranquility ENB

Ifsunsets and a serene atmosphere are what you enjoy the best, then this is theperfect mod for you. As the name itself suggest, it is indeed a tranquil environmentthat you will experience in this preset.

In terms of appearance, you can call it as ahybrid of The Grim and Somber and K ENB. It is available in two differentoptions: Extreme Quality and Gameplay Performance.

4. Rudy ENB

Youcan choose Rudy ENB if you are concerned about the performance of yourcomputer. Though it consumes lesser memory space, it does not compromise on thequality. You will be quite impressed with the color quality with a nice twistgiven to the environment.

Thelighting is just right, which would never seem out of place. The visuals arenot only spectacular in this mod, but you also can have your custom preset inthis mod.

5. RealLike ENB


Itdoesn’t matter whether you have a high-specs PC or just a notebook version ofyour laptop. This mod is sure to function effectively in any of these. Thegraphics renovation with its brilliant and pulsating colors is quiteextraordinary.

How To Uninstall Enb Skyrim

Thedetails are more sharp and clear, with a stunning background to it. Unlike theUltimate HD Fire effects which for the most part is disappointing with the fireeffects looking dull and unappealing, Real Like ENB is pretty amazing.


6. Snapdragon PrimeENB

Ifyou love the Bokeh effect, then this is the perfect choice for you. For thosewho are not sure what bokeh is, it is the distortion effect that is createdthat brings the contrast to the picture. Moreover, in this mode, you will besurprised to know that there is not one but three slots that you can you’reyour color schemes with.

However,ensure that your computer performance is sufficient since it requires a fairbit of memory. Similar to the Race Menu which allows you add extra details tothe characters, Snapdragon Prime too is an excellent choice if you are tooparticular about the way you want the picture to look. Customization is whateveryone seems to be crazy about, and this mod gives you the wand which you cancreate magic with.

7. Vividian ENB

Aperson who likes to be in foggy places and peaks and forests surrounded by snowwill surely fall in love with this ENB. The tones look very subtle and areclassic if you can define it. Enjoy the walk through the serene atmosphere inthis mod. Enhancement of the ambiance weather and light are the specialfeatures of this mod.

Ifyou want quick cloud movements, then you can choose Groundfogs and Vivid cloudsfor that magical experience. If you have been thinking of having a gaming experiencemore lively and personal then you should definitely not miss out Re-engaged ENB,which is a slightly enhanced version of Vividian ENB.

8. Stakado Cinemascope ENB

Thename says it all. If you are a person who loves watching cinemas, then this modwill certainly appeal to you. The experience it creates for you is simply outof the world. Combining realistic and unrealistic elements this is going to bequite a cinematic experience.

Anotherversion that you could try if you want to have a cinematic experience is theCinematic Film Looks. Like Tetrachromatic ENB which also gives you a uniqueexperience which is almost magical, the Stakado Cinemascope ENB exceeds theexpectations of the user and is well-liked by many users across the world.

9. Antique Dragon ENB

Certainly,Antique Dragon is one of the mods that you should not miss out trying. It isalso one of the top rated mods, and you will be quite amazed to use thispreset.

Uninstall Enb Skyrim

10. Noir ENB

Whiteand Black contours is the inherent component in this Mod. This stands out forits exceptional use of warm palettes, which makes the environment quitestunning and magical. When compared to Skysight Skins, which allows adding indetails to the characters in the game, Noir ENB is quite a contrast for thoselovers of the classic black and white. So clearly the choice is yours.

If you have to compare Wet and Cold ENB with Noir ENB, then Noir ENB stands out as an excellent choice. Wet and Cold ENB somewhat disappoints you and never gives you the “Noir” feeling. It makes your journey more disagreeable and dull. So our pick is to go with the Noir ENB!


There are many other mods available for this game. However, this page attempts to list out some of the top-rated presets. Moreover, you also have to consider the performance of your computer and your system’s adaptability to function well with these mods. There are some mods as discussed which are more than great on an average computer and ones that suit systems of a higher range.

How To Uninstall Enb Skyrim Special Edition

So with a little bit of homework, find one that fits and you need. It is just a fantastic experience to download graphics that look much more real and interesting to an already interesting game. So what are you waiting for? Choose one of these mods and make your gaming experience more exciting and fun filled.