The Shipping System Laytime Calculation Free

  1. Laytime Calculation Software
  2. Laytime And Demurrage
  3. Laytime Vs Laycan

For calculation of laytime, it is important to know when the laytime counting and calculation would start. This information is also provided in the charter party agreement. In most of the cases, the laytime would commence to start when the vessel has arrived at the port. In chartering term, this is called “Arrived Ship“. 3 Commencement of laytime. 3.1 Normally three conditions must be satisfied before the charterer can be required to start loading or discharging, as the case may be, and therefore before the laytime allowed starts to run. 1 These are that. The ship must have arrived at the destination specified in the charter. The ship must be ready and in a fit condition to receive or discharge her cargo. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In commercial shipping, laytime is the amount of time allowed in a voyage charter for the loading and unloading of cargo. Under a voyage charter or time charter, the shipowner is responsible for operating the vessel, and the master and crew are the employees of the shipowner, not the charterer. Mar 01, 2016 Laytime calculation is one of the most laborious, objectionable and time-consuming tasks in the shipping business; however, if done accurately, it can save a lot of money. With DANAOS powerful but user-friendly Laytime and Demurrage Calculation software, you need only minutes instead of hours for error-free calculation. An introduction will be given here to laytime calculation, based on different charterparty terms and for dry cargo and oil cargo. A standard method should be used but it should be mentioned here that various parties-owners, charterers, shippers and cargo receivers.

Laytime module is integrated with the timesheet of the loading/discharging activity which comes from the vessel directly. It has been designed to assist users with laytime/demurrage/despatch calculations. It caters for all modern charter party clauses regarding commencement and cessation of laytime, thus allowing users to establish the demurrage /dispatch due seamlessly in various scenarios. Depending on the terms and consequently the parameters inserted in the program, the system assesses laytime generating a detailed Statement of Facts mentioning all relevant data essential for the calculation.
Laytime calculation is one of the most laborious, objectionable and time-consuming tasks in the shipping business; however, if done accurately, it can save a lot of money.
With this powerful but user-friendly Laytime and Demurrage Calculation software, you need only minutes instead of hours for error-free calculation. That means you save time and effort as well as money.

Easy-to-use calculation system for laytime and demurrage/despatch calculation. Based on the statement of facts the program generates a complete time sheet with automatic detection of day breaks, the time the vessel comes on demurrage and the changes in calculation thereafter
Need to make a change in a laytime calculation? Just load the calculation, modify the figure to be changed and get a complete re-calculated statement with a few keystrokes
The program supports all usual contract clauses for the laytime calculation including: Reversible / Non reversible / Average / Working time saved / All time saved once on demurrage, always on demurrage / Not always on demurrage Mixed reversible / non reversible
All usual laytime calculation terms already predefined: full time counting, half time to count, time not to count, rain, shifting time not to count and a free percentage value for partial counting in case of breakdowns etc. Working periods during weekends and non-counting periods on demurrage also supported
All usual SHex terms already predefined and user customizable. Non-standard regulations can be specified by begin/end day of week and time

Features and Functionalities
Reversible (All Ports, Loading, Discharge, Loading/Discharge)
Non Reversible and Averaged Calculations.
Integrated with Operations (C/P Clauses, Timesheets)
Integrated with Freight & Hire Collection

Easy understanding of Laytime calculation in a Voyage Charter Party:

The statement of Fact is an important document for Laytime calculation. SOF should be agreed by all parties involved (master, stevedore, agent, port, shipper, receiver etc.), and will normally be presented by the agent to the master for his signature and return; the master should retain a copy. It’s master look out to verify the timing with port log book before signing. There always chances that the charterer’s agent may have obtained inaccurate times from his terminal supervisor, or may, for example, have recorded a period of rain in the vicinity of his office or surrounding area that did not affect the ship for the same period.

The SOF/Time Sheet is an extract from the vessel’s port operations log provided by the charterer’s agent and contains times of all relevant events, including:

• The arrival of the ship;

• Notice of Readiness tendering time ;

• Commencement of lay time;

• Commencement of cargo operations & Termination of cargo operation

Periods of suspension of laytime & Termination of laytime.

Vessel’s agent cheeks all details in SOF and preparing the Laytime Statement, from which any amount of demurrage or despatch money payable will be calculated.

Laytime calculation is required for determining whether on completion of loading or discharge operations despatch is payable to the charterers or demurrage is due to the owners.Vessel’s master should keep a track of Laytime, commencement of laytime, and running, interrupted or expired of laytime. Laytime calculation is recorded on laytime statement. The vessel’s port agent is generally responsible for calculating the total sum due and rendering accounts.

Below stages are required in a laytime calculation:

1. Understanding of relevant clauses in the charter party.

2. Obtain SOF from vessel’s agent.

3. Determine the duration of laytime allowed.

4. Ascertain time of commencement of laytime.

5. Allow for interruptions to laytime as per the charter party.

6. Ascertain time of expiry of laytime.

Laytime calculation sheet

7. Calculate despatch or demurrage payable.

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Laytime Calculation Software

Laytime And Demurrage

Laytime Vs Laycan